Diary DESIGN weekly special A5 2024 - Roma
Producer |
AAApapir |
Code | RTS5-CS-V50-24 | |
Part No. |
Description of product:
Format: A5
Block size: 143 x 206 mm
Number of pages: 140
Binding: stapled V8
Calendarium: weekly CZ/SK with names + whole page for notes
Languages: CZ, SK, EN, DE, RU
Block color: white
Font color: blue and red
Diary contains: tear-off corners, white bookmark and pen
Outer material: foam filling of the board covered with leatherette with printed graphics
Inner material: black velvet
Calendar content: sign of the Zodiac, Comprehensive calendar,
planning calendar 2024, Annual planning calendar CZ and SK,
payments of taxes in CZ and SK, international phone numbers,
name-day in CZ, time zones, national and religious holidays in the world,
distances in km EU/CZ/SK, planning calendar 2025, notes,
maps - CZ, SK, Prague, Bratislava.
Product details
Description of product:
Format: A5
Block size: 143 x 206 mm
Number of pages: 140
Binding: stapled V8
Calendarium: weekly CZ/SK with names + whole page for notes
Languages: CZ, SK, EN, DE, RU
Block color: white
Font color: blue and red
Diary contains: tear-off corners, white bookmark and pen
Outer material: foam filling of the board covered with leatherette with printed graphics
Inner material: black velvet
Calendar content: sign of the Zodiac, Comprehensive calendar,
planning calendar 2024, Annual planning calendar CZ and SK,
payments of taxes in CZ and SK, international phone numbers,
name-day in CZ, time zones, national and religious holidays in the world,
distances in km EU/CZ/SK, planning calendar 2025, notes,
maps - CZ, SK, Prague, Bratislava.